WDC Courses

The courses at our Workforce Development Center prepare you for real world experience.
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Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Our hands-on programs use state-of-the-art computerized manufacturing equipment and are taught in an accelerated format to help students begin a career in the field, or advance in their current workplace.
Emergency Medicine
The Workforce Development Center (WDC) provides training for healthcare professions, and for those looking to start a career in Emergency Medicine as a first responder.
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses
Cincinnati State’s Workforce Development Center was chosen to deliver 10,000 Small Businesses in Southwest Ohio because of our commitment to providing access and opportunity for customized business training.
Health Technology
Cincinnati State Workforce Development Center helps healthcare professionals throughout the region become and remain both competent and competitive in the delivery of quality patient care in areas such as acute care, home health care, long-term care, and residential facilities.
Industrial Maintenance Technology
Cincinnati State’s Workforce Development Center (WDC) has training to launch your career in Industrial Maintenance Technology. Our hands-on courses are taught in an accelerated format to help students enter the workforce, or to allow students to advance themselves within their current workplace.
Professional Development
The Workforce Development Center (WDC) offers many programs on business basics, such as customer service, team building and effective public speaking, plus advanced skills and topics such as budgeting, entrepreneurship.