Student Clubs & Organizations
Cincinnati State has about two dozen active clubs and organizations during any given semester. To establish or reactivate a club, 10 interested students and an advisor are needed. Established clubs may be eligible to receive funding during the academic year.
What is Hazing?
Hazing as defined by the State of Ohio in the Ohio Revised code 2903.31 as: “any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse, as a defined in section 3719.011 of the Revised Code.
Anti-Hazing Reports as of 12/31/24
This club aims to create a safe and inclusive community for all students interested in African cultures to connect, share their experiences, and celebrate African cultures together. We strive to provide a platform where African students can have their voices heard and where all students can learn about and appreciate African culture without discrimination. For more information contact advisor Tshai (Sarah) Leggesse.
The purpose of the ACFMCI Junior Chapter is to provide a supportive learning environment and opportunities for students. The ACFMCI Junior Chapter fosters growth for upcoming leaders and professionals in or entering the food service industry. For more information contact Gregory Skibinski at 513-569-5814.
This club is committed to providing a friendly and inclusive culture that provides access to transfer resources, scholarships, and connections to assist students complete a seamless transfer. For more information contact Dr. Myshamil Walker at (513) 569-1884 or Betty Richard at (513) 569-4844.
The mission of the Cincinnati State Biology Club is to provide students a platform for informal scientific discussion, career exploration, community engagement, and new experiences relating to biology. For more information contact club advisor Mark Tiemeier.
The Black Male Initiative provides a forum for the discussion of issues unique to African American men, and serves as a means of assistance, motivation and community involvement for members. Activities include campus events, lectures, community activities, social outings and peer group academic assistance. Membership is open to all members of the Cincinnati State community. To join, contact any member of the BMI Success Network at or fill out the Interest Form. > You can also learn more by reading the BMI Trifold <
The purpose of this club is to build and race vehicles while learning skills applicable to the Mechanical Engineering Field. For more information contact advisor Michael DeVore.
Members work to save lives threatened by induced abortion, euthanasia, and the destruction of human embryos for research. In furtherance of these goals, members seek to promote respect for life at Cincinnati State and on a local, state, and national level, to educate on life issues, to help those in need so that life is a promising choice, and to work with others who share common goals. For more information contact advisor Dr. Ann Gunkel.
The Cincinnati State Women’s Network is committed to promoting women of multiple ethnicities through academic support and achievement, community service, self-awareness, mentoring, leadership, and social development. For more information contact Jayne Dressing.
Cincinnati State’s Generation Action Club creates a conducive and inclusive atmosphere for student advocacy with a specific focus on bolstering public health initiatives that prioritize student well-being. Contact advisor Megan Byrd for more information.
This organization serves students, faculty, and staff members, by helping to organize communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and a mission to transform the college, the marketplace, and the world. For more information contact advisor Dr. Sandra Dees or Debbie Greenlee.
This group is designed to promote creative writing at Cincinnati State. Members exchange ideas, information, advice, resources, assistance, and on occasion constructive criticism. For more information contact advisor Dr. Ronnie Gladden.
The purpose of this club is to help bridge the gap between peer-to-peer support and advised local outreach. Our goal is to provide support, accountability, and resources for students that motivate them to continue excelling while in school. For more information contact Tammie Larkins.
The Early Childhood Club serves students interested in Early Childhood Education, and provides learning opportunities on campus and in the community. For more information contact advisor Kelly Hubbard.
This club promotes environmental awareness and the interests of students in Cincinnati State’s various “green” academic programs. In addition to sponsoring an annual Earth Jam on campus and an environmentally-themed activities day for visiting high school students, members participate in regional contests, help with community clean-ups and water testing events, provide information at public events, and promote the Environmental Engineering Technology program in a variety of venues. For more information contact advisor Dr. Ann Gunkel or Ann Fallon.
The purpose of Honors Student Club is to allow students to work together on community service activities, bring community members to campus as guest speakers, emphasize higher learning, and create a supportive environment for students. For more information contact advisor Andrea Trapp.
The Horticulture Club provides a casual atmosphere where ideas and professional information is shared. The club helps with the sale of floral arrangements during holiday seasons; funds raised help pay for student trips to competitions and professional meetings. Club members also volunteer at the Cincinnati State greenhouse. For more information contact advisor Maureen Comella or Mark Deacon.
In The Zone at Cincinnati State provides a safe, supportive environment for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning students and their straight allies. For more information contact advisor Dr. Ronnie Gladden.
We are a student-led club that encourages leadership and communication skills. We support the local Deaf/Hard of Hearing community by hosting ASL events that help develop relationships between our students and the community while promoting our Interpreter Training Program. For more information contact advisors Kristen Bowen or Dawn Caudill.
The Leadership Club is dedicated to helping members recognize and improve the leader within them, by enhancing skills and capabilities, building confidence, inspiring others, and taking initiative as a group to provide value to the community. For more information contact faculty advisor Julie McLaughlin at
The mission of this club is to gain knowledge about the construction industry while working together to compete in the NAHB Student Competition. For more information contact Gregory Kelly 513-569-1758.
NSPS provides land surveying and other students the opportunity to explore the profession beyond the classroom. Learn about Land Surveying by giving back to the community, competing in student competitions, attending of professional conferences, and going on site tours. For more information contact Carol Morman at
The Nursing Student Organization supports Cincinnati State’s nursing program and encourages students to share program-specific issues and concerns in a virtual community. Contact Sheena Davis for more information.
Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for two-year colleges. Membership requires a 3.5 GPA and is by invitation from the College president. PTK provides opportunities for leadership and service, fellowship, and motivation in continuing academic excellence. Contact advisor Wednesday Oster, James Park, Dylan Bean, or Don Pollock, for more information.
A diverse group of students that help prospective students, families, and the community to understand the benefits of pursuing an education at Cincinnati State. Ambassadors serve as role models and representatives of the College by communicating the mission, vision, and culture of the College. Discover More Information and Apply Here.
The Respiratory Care Club serves students in the Respiratory Care Technology program and helps them extend their work and knowledge to the larger community. For more information contact faculty advisors Julie Klensch at or Michael Chaney at
The purpose of this club is to help further educate each Surgical Technologist student to successfully progress through the program and provide fundraising opportunities for beneficial educational activities. For more information contact Deborah Shumate at
This club’s mission is to create networking and support opportunities for women in non-traditional technical fields, and engage in outreach activities to encourage women to consider technology careers. For more information contact advisor Abbey Yee or Geraldine Savrda.
The Spanish Club explores the global customs, language, and contributions of Hispanic and Latin American cultures and facilitates their appreciation through cultural awareness projects, community activities, information gathering, and networking. For more information contact advisor Eric Svensson.
Cincinnati State Student Government focuses on improving the lives and enhancing the learning experiences of students through clubs and organizations, community service, and student leadership. Participants serve as advocates for student rights and concerns while promoting cultural awareness and diversity on campus. For more information contact advisor Soni Hill at
The club’s purpose is to help members become Occupational Therapy Assistants and promote awareness of occupational therapy in the community. For more information contact faculty advisors Toni Durban at or Tara Brock at