CState Accelerate success is featured in national publication “Inside Higher Ed”

Inside Higher Ed, a monthly publication that provides “news, analysis and solutions for the entire higher education community,” published an article on Jan. 3, 2024, about the CState Accelerate program, and featured the article on the publication’s website.

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The article, titled “Funding Student Success: Creating Sustainable Student Supports,” describes CState Accelerate’s successes, and the College’s efforts to gain continuing funding for the program.

The article says, quoting College President Dr. Monica Posey, “It was a really strong program to present to donors, and that’s why we were successful, but it takes work,”

CState Accelerate is free for eligible students and provides comprehensive academic, personal, and financial support designed to help students stay in college, earn credits faster, and graduate on time.

Previous media focus on the success of CState Accelerate included a news story that aired on PBS in Spring of 2023.

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