Aviation Maintenance Technology student wins national scholarship award

Joel Mink, a first-year student in Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) is the recipient of a $2,000 scholarship awarded by the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA).

Jay Johnson, AMFA National Secretary, traveled from Dallas, Texas, to Cincinnati State’s Harrison Campus to present the award to Joel, who was one of two recipients of the national award for 2022.

Jay also visited with AMT students to discuss professional opportunities and answer questions about careers in aviation maintenance.

AMFA is a trade union that represents aircraft mechanics for Southwest Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Spirit/Jet Blue, and several other airline companies that operate primarily in the Western U.S. Applicants for the annual scholarship must complete an application that includes a 500-word essay that “demonstrates a passion for the craft” of aircraft mechanics.

Joel said, “I am grateful to the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association for selecting me for this honor., and want to say thank you to all the aviation maintenance workers throughout the U.S. that made this award possible.”