$2.2 Million Dollar Gift will be Highlighted at Scholarship Recognition and Thank You Brunch November 14

November 6, 2015
Elliott V. Ruther
Chief of Development
Phone (513) 569-1451
Cell (513) 484-0505
Jean Russo Gould
Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Phone (513) 569-1519
Cell (513) 600-7095
Media Advisory
$2.2 Million Dollar Gift will be Highlighted at
Scholarship Recognition and Thank You Brunch November 14

Today, Cincinnati State Interim President, Dr. Monica Posey, Trustees Mrs. Cathy Crain and Ms. Laurie Leonard along with the Cincinnati State Foundation leadership, including 2nd Vice Chair Ms. Barbara Gould, and Chief of Development Elliott V. Ruther, announced the largest cash gift made by an individual –$2.2 million dollars.
The gift, from an anonymous donor, is for an endowed scholarship fund to help support hundreds of deserving students pursuing administrative assistant tracks in legal, medical, business and technical fields starting in the fall of 2016. The Office of Financial Aid is already accepting scholarship applications. 
The Interim President, Dr. Monica Posey, observed that donations to support scholarships ultimately benefit the region’s employers who hire these students through the College’s co-op program. Dr. Posey explains, “this gift is transformative for the students, for the college and the community. It helps students stay in school and graduate and supports local industries and employers who want qualified employees with this particular skill set.”
The gift will support $110,000 in scholarships every year in perpetuity.  College officials are still working through the details about how the money will be distributed.  A decision about whether to provide full-ride scholarships or award smaller amounts to help more students is still being determined. Data from the college’s Institutional Research and Effectiveness Department supports research indicating scholarships as little as $500 per semester improves student retention rates. Even small scholarships go a long way given the College’s low tuition, which is 30 -50% less than other colleges and universities in the area.
This gift will be highlighted at the Cincinnati State Scholarship Recognition. A thank you brunch will be held on November 14 at 11:00 a.m. Student scholarship recipients will share their personal stories illustrating how and why scholarship support changes lives.
Cincinnati State (www.cincinnatistate.edu) offers more than 130 associate degree and certificate programs in business technologies, health and public safety, engineering technologies, humanities and sciences and information technologies. Cincinnati State has one of the most comprehensive co-op programs among two-year colleges in the U.S.

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