25th Annual Honors Scholarship Golf Classic

Monday, September 15, 2025
Western Hills Country Club 
5780 Cleves Warsaw Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45233

Registration & Lunch 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 
Shotgun start at 1:00 p.m.
Dinner & Awards: 6:00 p.m.

Some days at the golf course stay with you. They usually involve old and sometimes new friends, laughter, challenge, good food and drink, and hopefully a good score too.

The 2025 Cincinnati State Honors Scholarship Golf Classic, to be held on Monday, September 15 at Western Hills Country
Club, will offer all of that.

Western Hills is a beautiful, traditional course. Its rolling fairways are lined by more than 300 mature oak trees, including Ohio’s champion Overcup oak, which, at more than a century old, has a canopy spanning 120 feet.

While the greens at Western Hills run fast and true, some will provide a delightful bonus—the chance to meet Cincinnati State
Honors Students, who will be greeting golfers passing through.

These students will recharge your belief in the future. They are not only achieving academically, but also have a passion to contribute to the world around them.

Still, many of our honors students come from economically challenged backgrounds. Your participation in the Honors Scholarship Golf Classic will change lives by helping ensure these students have the financial assistance they need to focus on college and complete their degree.

In addition to golf with awards for best score etc., the outing will include lunch, dinner, drinks, music, and a raffle for great prizes. It will also include a few on-course games and a limited number of mulligans for sale—just in case your foursome needs a bit of extra help navigating those majestic oaks.

To reserve your foursome, sponsorship, or individual place in the Honors Scholarship Golf Classic, please contact Kim Taylor at 513-328-3108 or at kim.taylor@cincinnatistate.edu.

On behalf of the Cincinnati State Foundation, Cincinnati State Alumni Association, and our Honors Students, we thank you and look forward to seeing you on September 16 at Western Hills.

Proceeds benefit the Cincinnati State Honors Scholarship Fund through the Cincinnati State Foundation.

Individual Golfer$300
Hole Sponsor$500
Cannon Ball Drive Sponsor$1,000Includes hole sign & commemorative pin flag.
Men’s Long Drive Sponsor$1,000Includes hole sign & commemorative pin flag.
Ladies’ Long Drive Sponsor$1,000Includes hole sign & commemorative pin flag.
Champions Sponsor$3,000Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, logo placement, opportunity for display.
Shotgun Start Sponsor$3,000Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, logo placement, opportunity for display.
Automobile Sponsor$3,000Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, logo placement.
Silent Auction Sponsor$3,000
Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, and signage at the silent auction.
19th Hole Sponsor$3,500
Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, and signage at the 19th hole reception.
Lunch Sponsor$3,500
Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, and logo placement.
Beverage Sponsor$3,500Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, logo placement.
Dinner Sponsor$5,000Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, logo placement, and logo placement on all material.
Golf Cart Sponsor$5,000Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, logo placement, and logo placement on all carts & material.
Major Sponsor$5,000Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, logo placement, opportunity for display.
Title Sponsor$10,000Includes 4 complimentary players, hole sign & commemorative pin flag, logo placement, opportunity for display.

Payment Options:

Write checks to: Cincinnati State Foundation


Send checks to:

Cincinnati State Foundation
Attn: Kim Taylor, Main 181
3520 Central Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45223

Questions? Contact Kim Taylor.

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