Free Community ASL Class

Upcoming Event Information

Thank you for your interest in our free community Zoom classes!

The Fall Free Community Zoom Conversational Signing Sessions from Cincinnati State are back! This will be a 6-week track focused on learning phrases to sign with those individuals who use sign language to communicate.

This track is different from our past community classes. We will not focus on vocabulary lists. We will be learning vocabulary as we focus on signing everyday phrases.

WHEN: Mondays from 5:30p-6:30p EST, October 7th- Nov 18th. (We will not have class on Nov 11th because of the holiday)
WHERE: Zoom (LINK) Meeting ID: 843 4668 0972, Passcode: 278521

You do not need to sign up for the class, just show up using the Zoom link. It is “first come, first serve” for the first 100 participants. You do not need to attend every session, but the more you come, the more you learn. This track is for individuals of any age and skill level. However, it is geared more towards beginners. You can have your camera on or off. If you have small children or are in an environment that might be distracting for other participants, please keep your camera off.

If you have any questions, please email

If you’re interested in taking classes for college credit and earning your certificate or associates degree, please reach out to our office of admissions!

Spring 2023 Class Resources

If you are on the mailing list and not receiving the Zoom link in your inbox, please remember to check your spam/junk folder. We love to promote that this class is “free”, but that can be a red flag word for spam filters.

Previous Class Recordings & Handouts

October – November 2022

Week 2

Recording: Watch on Youtube

Handout: See Week 1 for this week’s handout

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6


Is the class really free?

Yes, it’s free, really! This introductory course has no cost.

Do I need to come to campus, or is it all online?

It’s all online! There’s no in-person version – everyone participating will be participating online.

Will the courses be recorded? Will we have access to those recordings?

Yes! All class sessions will be recorded.

The recordings will then be linked on this webpage for you can watch them whenever it’s convenient!

Who should take this class? What if I don’t know any signs yet?

This class is designed for beginners who have little to no exposure to sign language. We will assume you don’t know any signs at all and work our way from there.

What if I have to miss one or more class sessions?

No problem. This class doesn’t have an attendance policy, so there’s no need to inform the instructor if you’re going to miss. Just be sure to watch the posted recording before the next session so you’ll stay caught up.

Is this course available to residents of other cities? States? Countries?

Yes! This course is available to anyone who can access it.

Can I get credit for this class? Can this credit be applied to a degree at another college?

No, this free offering does not provide credits.

This class is meant to be a “taste” of what to expect if you are interested in learning more ASL and/or thinking about taking sign language classes at Cincinnati State.

We offer for-credit classes as well, and even a degree in sign language interpreting! We’d love to talk to you outside of class if you’re interested.

Could this be counted as Continuing Education Credit for my job?

As for CEUs, you’ll want to consult with your employer about which of those options qualifies.

Is the instructor Deaf? What are the instructors qualifications?

Dawn Caudill (she/her) is the instructor for this class, and she is a hearing
individual. She is a nationally certified sign language interpreter, and the
founder of Cincinnati State’s Interpreter Training Program. From time to
time, Deaf individuals may teach or assist with the course, but when that
happens, one or more interpreters will be on-hand to assist you in
communicating with them if needed.

Are children allowed?

This is a family-friendly course. We prefer that children be supervised.

Are we required to show faces on camera?

No. We love to see you smiling back at us if you’re in the live class sessions, especially if you want feedback on your signing skills, but it’s not required.

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