Dual Enrollment Programs
Transfer Dual Enrollment Programs

CState 2 NKU
CState2NKU is a dual enrollment partnership between Cincinnati State and Northern Kentucky University. This program allows students to earn both their associate and bachelor’s degrees.
- Access to Cincinnati State’s Transfer Center and Career Center
- Access to campus resources at NKU such as Campus Recreation Center and on-campus housing
- Assigned academic advisors at both Cincinnati State and NKU
- Tuition Reciprocity for in-state tuition once transferred to NKU
- Ability to take up to four NKU courses at NKU with the Cincinnati STate tuition rate while pursing your associates degree
- Currently enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at Cincinnati State
- Enrolled in an Associate degree program
- Plan to transfer to NKU
- Maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA at Cincinnati State
- Must have at least 15 earned and in-progress credit hours to be eligible to take your first course at NKU through the CState2NKU program