Disability Services
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) ensures that students with special needs receive the academic accommodations they need in their courses of study. Our goal is to guarantee that all students have equal opportunity in the pursuit of their educational objectives.
Soni Hill, Senior Director of Student Success & Development
Karen Gaines, Disability Services Assistant
Monday / Wednesday – 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday / Thursday / Friday – 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Clifton Campus, Main Building, Room 169
Phone: (513) 569-1775
Fax: (513) 569-4744
Email: disabilities@cincinnatistate.edu
Eligibility for Services
Any otherwise qualified student or prospective student who states that he or she has a disability, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 or the guidelines for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, may register with the Office of Disability Services.
Getting started is easy to do using the following steps. Download the steps here.
Step One: Submit your accommodations registration request and supporting documentation using the Academic Accommodations Registration Request Form.
Acceptable forms of documentation include:
- IEP (Individualized Education Plan)
- ETR (Evaluation Team Report)
- 504 Plan
- Accommodation Letter from another College/University
- Disability Verification Form (for those diagnosed later in their academic career)
No photos or screenshots of documentation will be accepted.
Click here: Academic Accommodations Registration Request Form
Step Two: Document Review & Processing
- Following review, ODS will send a confirmation email along with next steps to your Cincinnati State e-mail account (Surge mail).
- If additional documentation is required, you will also be notified through your Cincinnati State email, and a new e-form request will need to be submitted.
Step Three: Advising & Registering for Classes
Students should see an academic advisor for assistance in selecting the appropriate courses.
Academic Offices:
Business Technologies: (513) 569-1620
Engineering & Information Technologies: (513) 569-1743
Health & Public Safety: (513) 569-1670
Humanities & Sciences: (513) 569-1700
Middletown Campus: (513) 217-3700
Step Four: Schedule Intake Meeting with ODS Manager
- Once you’ve registered for classes, contact ODS to schedule an appointment to discuss your accommodations.
- After accommodations have been approved, a semester verification of accommodations letter will be generated and sent to your Cincinnati State e-mail to send to your instructor. Please allow 5 school days for letter processing.
College Credit Plus (CCP) students click on CCP Disability Documentation and Next Steps to get started with new step-by-step instructions.
Transitioning to College
The Transition Guide for Students with Disabilities assists you in navigating the differences in disability services in high school and in college.
Disability Forms
Academic Accommodations Registration Request Form: Use to submit student’s request and supporting disability documentation for accommodation consideration in CState classes.
Disability Verification Form: Use to submit input from the student’s healthcare professional for accommodation consideration.
Interpreter Services Request: Use to make an interpreter request for a specific event or meeting.
Accommodations Letter Request: Use to submit request for semester accommodation letter.
ODS Student Testing Appointment Request Form: Use to submit ODS in-person testing appointment requests by eligible ODS registered students.
DS Consent to Release Form: Allows a parent or other interested party designated by the student to reach out on their behalf regarding their academic accommodations at CState.
Accommodated Testing
Accommodated testing is available by appointment to eligible ODS registered students during office hours. Appointments may be scheduled using the ODS Student Testing Appointment Request e-form a minimum of 5 days in advance.
Location | Telephone | Office Hours | |
Clifton Campus Disability Services Main Bldg, Room 169 | 513-569-1775 | disabilities@cincinnatistate.edu | Mon./Wed.: 900 AM to 5:30 PM Tues./Thurs./Fri.: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM |
Middletown Campus Johnston Hall, Room 112 | 513-727-3400 | CSMTest@cincinnatistate.edu | Mon. – Fri.: 8:00AM to 4:00 PM |
Harrison Campus Front Desk (front entrance) | 513-569-4970 | John.thomas@cincinnatistate.edu | Mon. – Fri.: 8:00AM to 4:00PM |
To explore accommodated test proctoring options outside of the hours of operation, requests are to be submitted using the ODS Student Testing Appointment Request e-form a minimum of five days in advance.
Who is eligible for Disability Services?
Individuals with a documented disability, permanent or provisional. If the disability is visible and the need for accommodation can easily be established, documentation may not be needed.
What type of disability documentation is needed for accommodation consideration?
Eligible forms for disability documentation include a 504 Plan, IEP, ETR, or Disability Verification form.
Does Disability Services update IEPs or provide testing for disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD?
No. These are not services provided by the College. Students are responsible for obtaining and providing disability documentation, including necessary testing/psychological evaluations at their own expense.
Who falls into the healthcare professional category?
They are professionals generally trained, certified, or licensed to diagnose and/or treat medical conditions. Examples include: a medical doctor, clinical psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, optometrist, audiologist or other qualified professional/organization.
Will my health care professional’s recommendation for accommodations be implemented?
It is important to realize that although the diagnostician may recommend specific accommodations, the determination for providing appropriate and reasonable accommodations and/or academic adjustments rests with the College.
I am a Deaf student. What services are available to me?
Interpreter Services strive to create inclusive and accessible experiences for our Deaf/Hard of Hearing students by providing skilled interpreters to meet any communication need–interpreters/PT interpreters/CART provided for classroom instruction, tutoring sessions, group work, and faculty/staff appointments.
Will I need to provide new disability documentation every semester to use my accommodations?
New paperwork is not required unless there’s been a change in your disability that you would like considered for possible changes in your accommodations.
I’m currently registered with ODS. How do I request my accommodation letter for the semester?
You may request your accommodations letter for the semester via the Accommodations Letter Request e-form.
Can I use the same accommodation letter for every semester?
No. The accommodation letter is semester-specific, so you’ll need to request a new one each semester.
Will ODS send my accommodation letter to my instructors?
No. The accommodations letter is sent to the student’s Cincinnati State email to send to their instructor(s).
I have a student who is struggling in class but hasn’t presented me with an accommodation letter or mentioned anything about having a disability. How should I handle this?
If you have a student in your class who you believe is struggling due to disability issues, our office recommends the following:
- If the student mentioned they have a disability, please make them aware that ODS may be a helpful resource for them and provide them with our contact information.
- If the student has not disclosed any disability issues, you might ask them some exploratory questions, such as:
- I’ve noticed you… (call out the specific behavior… are struggling with general concepts in class, absences, know the course work but do poorly on tests) and ask, “Is everything okay?”
- It would not be appropriate to directly ask the student, “Do you have a disability?” because some students might not want to disclose personal information or feel pressured to do so. Other students might not identify with the term “disability.”
- If the student does not reveal any disability issues, it might be appropriate to make a general referral to the counseling services area by pointing out the school provides assistance with math tutoring, writing, and study skills.
I just received an accommodation letter for one of my students. Are the accommodations retroactive?
No. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Do I need to sign and return the accommodation letter to ODS?
No. With our new format, no signatures are required.
Who do I contact if I disagree with an accommodation?
If you disagree with an accommodation or have questions, continue to provide the accommodations and contact your program chair or department chair, who will work with Disability Services on obtaining a prompt solution.
Should I keep a copy of the accommodations letter?
Yes. Instructors are encouraged to keep a copy of the letter for reference during the semester, as needed.
The tests for my class are all online. How is an extended-time accommodation handled?
If the test is online, once you are notified of this accommodation, set the extended time for the test(s) for the entire semester. If the student desires otherwise, they must inform you.
How does the college provide reader assistance to students with this accommodation?
Reader support is provided through text-to-speech software such as Read&Write, NVDA, VoiceOver, and the like. ODS will work directly with the student to determine an appropriate action plan. For more information, contact the Office of Disability Services.
Should I provide all accommodations asked for by the student?
Only provide the accommodation if the student’s Verification of Accommodation Letter indicates it is approved through ODS.
These organizations and resources in Greater Cincinnati and online may be helpful to those in need of additional information and/or support.