
In the Sustainable Horticulture program students learn sustainable landscape techniques and technologies including design, implementation, and management of green roofs and green walls; stormwater management best practices; sustainable choices in plant materials; and use of alternative energy systems in landscapes.

Students complete foundation courses in landscape horticulture and environmental science, and then take additional technical courses in sustainable horticulture. Core business courses prepare students for leadership roles in local businesses and municipalities, while cooperative education employment experiences allow students to further develop their knowledge in positions with companies utilizing sustainable horticulture.


The Sustainable Horticulture degree program is industry-accredited by the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP).


Program Chair

Co-op Coordinator


Heather Augustine
MS, LEED Green Associate

Career Outlook

Graduates Are Prepared To

  • Renovate existing landscapes to more sustainable forms
  • Design, implement, and manage sustainable landscape technologies such as green roofs, green walls, stormwater retention and rainwater harvesting systems, and alternative energy products (such as solar lighting and water pumps) that are functional and aesthetically pleasing
  • Recognize plants that are invasive in the Cincinnati region and recommend control measures
  • Identify and manage plants, both native and non-native, that are appropriate for sustainable landscapes

Representative Job Titles For Graduates

  • Grounds Specialist /Foreman
  • Horticulturist
  • Irrigation Specialist
  • Landscape Construction Specialist
  • Landscape Designer

Graduate Employment Outlook

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts about 8 percent growth in employment related to sustainable horticulture through 2030. The landscape industry is shifting toward more ecologically-friendly and sustainable practices, and as Greater Cincinnati employers implement these new techniques, a qualified workforce will be in high demand, especially in the area of stormwater management.

$36,000–$42,000 annually

Graduate Starting Salary Projections

Education Options

Transfer History

  • Ohio State University
  • University of Cincinnati
  • Wilmington College

Representative Co-Op/Clinical/Intern Site

  • 80 Acres
  • Ammon Wholesale Nursery
  • Brightview
  • Cincinnati Park Board
  • Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
  • Hamilton County Parks
  • Natorp Landscape Organization
  • Werbrich’s Landscaping
  • White Oak Garden Center

$13/hr – $16/hr

Co-op Salary Projections


Program Chair

Co-op Coordinator


Heather Augustine
MS, LEED Green Associate


Effective 2024-2025 academic year

Semester 1 Lec Lab Credits
ENG 101 English Composition 1 ( G) 3 0 3
LH 140 Landscape Operations ( T) 2 3 3
LH 105 Horticulture Occupations ( B) 1 1 1
LH 120 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition ( T) 2 2 3
LH 130 Woody Plant Materials ( B) 1 5 3
FYE 1XX First Year Experience Elective (B) 1 0 1
XXX XXX Environmental Science Elective (B) 3 0 3
Semester 2
BUS 190 Professional Practices ( B) 1 0 1
LH 110 Applied Botany ( G) 2 3 3
LH 151 Landscape Design 1 ( T) 2 3 3
LH 155 Computer-Aided Landscape Design ( T) 2 3 3
ENG 1XX English Composition Elective (G) 3 0 3
MAT 1XX Mathematics Elective (G) 3 0 3
Semester 3
LH 165 Landscape Construction ( T) 2 3 3
LH 135 Herbaceous Plant Materials ( T) 2 3 3
LH X9X Cooperative Education Elective 1: Landscape Horticulture (T) 1 40 2
Semester 4
ACC 101 Financial Accounting ( B) 2 2 3
LAW 101 Business Law ( B) 3 0 3
LH 230 Landscape Solutions to Stormwater Management ( T) 2 3 3
LH 245 Plants for Sustainable Landscapes ( T) 2 3 3
Semester 5
LH 240 Landscape Management ( T) 2 3 3
LH 290 Sustainable Landscape Design Capstone ( T) 2 3 3
XXX XXX Arts/Humanities Elective or Social/Behavioral Science Elective (G) 3 0 3
XXX XXX Management/Marketing Elective (B) 3 0 3
Semester 6
LH X9X Cooperative Education Elective 2: Landscape Horticulture (T) 1 40 2
Total Credits: 51 120 67


First Year Experience Elective
FYE 100 College Success Strategies: Overview 1
FYE 105 College Success Strategies: Overview and Application 2
FYE 110 College Success Strategies: Practice and Application 3
Environmental Science Elective
EVS 110 Environmental Science: Conservation and Cleanup 4
EVS 120 Environmental Geology 4
EVS 130 Environmental Science: Ecology and Ecosystems 4
EVT 175 Watershed Management 3
BIO 270 Ecology 5
English Composition Elective
ENG 102 English Composition 2: Contemporary Issues 3
ENG 103 English Composition 2: Writing about Literature 3
ENG 104 English Composition 2: Technical Communication 3
ENG 105 English Composition 2: Business Communication 3
Management/Marketing Elective
MGT 101 Principles of Management 3
MGT 105 Human Resource Management 3
MGT 120 Entrepreneurship 3
MGT 130 Project Management 3
MKT 101 Principles of Marketing 3
MKT 105 Marketing and Customer Relations 3
MKT 130 Principles of Sales 3
Mathematics Elective
MAT 105 Quantitative Reasoning 3
MAT 111 Business Mathematics 3
MAT 125 Algebra and Trigonometry 4
Arts/Humanities Elective or Social/Behavioral Science Elective (select one course)
Any Ohio Transfer 36 course from ART, LIT, MUS, PHI, REL, THE, or COMM 130
or, any Ohio Transfer 36 course from ECO, GEO, HST, LBR, POL, PSY, SOC, or SPN 101
Cooperative Education Electives (4 credit hours required)
LH 191 Part-Time Cooperative Education 1: Landscape Horticulture 1
LH 192 Part-Time Cooperative Education 2: Landscape Horticulture 1
LH 193 Part-Time Cooperative Education 3: Landscape Horticulture 1
LH 194 Part-Time Cooperative Education 4: Landscape Horticulture 1
LH 291 Full-Time Cooperative Education 1: Landscape Horticulture 2
LH 292 Full-Time Cooperative Education 2: Landscape Horticulture 2
The letters G, B, and T (displayed after course titles or elective descriptions) identify types of courses required by the Ohio Department of Higher Education as part of an associate’s degree curriculum.

G = General Education course in this curriculum
B = Basic Skills course in this curriculum
T = Technical course in this curriculum
Some courses are offered in alternative versions identified with a letter after the course number -- for example, ENG 101 and ENG 101A.

• This curriculum displays only course numbers without the added letter.
• The alternative version, when available, meets the requirements of the course version without the added letter.

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