
The Cincinnati State Bethesda School of Nursing prepares graduate nurses who are eligible to take the national standardized nursing examination, National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), and upon passing, work as registered nurses.

Graduates are members of the health team prepared to provide nursing care to clients with common health problems in a variety of settings.

Program application and selective enrollment requirements:

  • Applicants must be graduates of an accredited high school or provide evidence of high school equivalency by GED scores that meet standard core requirements set by the Ohio Department of Education.
  • Applicants must have earned grades of C or higher in high school or college biology and chemistry, and these courses must have been completed within seven years of the application for the Nursing program.
  • Applicants must be active on the Ohio state-tested nurse aides registry or a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).
  • Applicants must complete the steps of the Nursing selective admission process to qualify to enter Nursing clinical courses. (Admission to the College does not guarantee entry into the Nursing program.) A cumulative grade point average of 2.75 is required for entry into the clinical courses.

Additional information about program selective admission requirements is available from the Program Director or Program Chair.

Other requirements:

  • Students must complete general education courses in the order listed in the curriculum, unless these courses were completed prior to the listed semester.
  • Students must meet all requirements of the program, including earning a minimum grade of C or Pass in all curriculum courses, attaining satisfactory clinical evaluations, and maintaining the required grade point average.
  • During the final semester of the curriculum, students must pass a nationally standardized comprehensive exam in order to pass the final theory course.
  • Students must have current certification in CPR for health care providers prior to taking clinical nursing courses.
  • Students must provide a recent physical exam with up-to-date immunizations, including Hepatitis B, Influenza Vaccine, and COVID-19, prior to commencing course work. Students must obtain a two-step TB skin test to enter the program and must obtain an annual TB test to remain in the program.

Prospective students are advised that when applying for the state licensure examination, they must answer a series of questions related to criminal convictions, reasons for dismissal from work positions, and mental health status. A positive response to any of these questions can result in disqualification as a candidate for licensure. (Ohio Revised Code 4723.28.) The licensure application may be viewed on the Ohio Board of Nursing website at http://www.nursing.ohio.gov.

Students who wish to enter the program who have been convicted of felonies and/or misdemeanors must contact the Program Director to discuss their situation before applying for selective enrollment.

During the selective enrollment process, background checks will be completed, per Health and Public Safety Division policy. A positive background check may prevent a student from entering the program.

Students who are convicted of possession and/or distribution of controlled substances, or have positive drug screens for non-prescription controlled substances while enrolled in the program are automatically dismissed.

Students who wish to transfer nursing credit from another nursing program to Cincinnati State must contact a health advisor for specific information, after being admitted to the College and prior to submitting their application to the Nursing program. Students may transfer a maximum of 17 semester credits (or 26 quarter credits) of clinical courses. Restrictions may be placed on nursing credit transfer for students who failed a nursing course or courses in another program.

Because nursing is a dynamic profession, the program reserves the right to change the curriculum and admission requirements as necessary.

Nursing (NUR)
4:54 minutes


The Associate Degree Nursing Program at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College (Clifton Campus in Cincinnati, Ohio) is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA, 30326. Phone: (404) 975-5000. Website: www.acenursing.org

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation.

Public information disclosed by ACEN regarding this program can be viewed at http://www.acenursing.us/accreditedprograms/programSearch.htm

The Associate Degree Nursing Program is approved by The Ohio Board of Nursing, 17 South High Street, Suite 400, Columbus, Ohio, 43215-3413. Phone: (614) 466-3947. Website: http://www.nursing.ohio.gov


Program Chair

Career Outlook

Graduates Are Prepared To

  • Work in a variety of settings, from acute care units to extended health care facilities
  • Work with clients of various ages, from children to the elderly

Representative Job Titles For Graduates

  • Registered Nurse

Graduate Employment Outlook

Employment of registered nurses is projected to grow about 9 percent through 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Growth will occur for a number of reasons, including increased emphasis on preventative care; growing rates of chronic conditions, such as diabetes and obesity; and demand for healthcare services from the baby boomer population, as they live longer and more active lives.

$76,500 median annual salary. Shift differential will add to the base salary for those working second and third shift assignments.

Graduate Starting Salary Projections

Education Options

Transfer History

  • Miami University
  • Mount St. Joseph University
  • Northern Kentucky University
  • University of Cincinnati
  • Xavier University

Representative Co-Op/Clinical/Intern Site

  • Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
  • Drake Center
  • Mercy Health Partners of Southwest Ohio
  • St. Elizabeth Healthcare Summit Behavioral Center
  • TriHealth, Inc.
  • UC Health

Co-op Salary Projections

All clinical experience is unpaid


Program Chair



Learn about the Health & Public Safety Selective Admission (Progression) process and the TEAS test

Nursing Admission Requirements

  • The core of courses taken by Nursing students is similar to the core of courses taken by all other students seeking degrees in allied health programs.
  • Nursing students are required to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, as well as a minimum GPA of 2.75 in math and science courses. An admissions test is required for students to progress into the clinical courses in the program.
  • High school or college biology and chemistry are prerequisites to the science courses required by the Nursing program.
  • A background check is required before entering the clinical portion of the Nursing program. Anyone wishing to enter the Nursing program who has been arrested or charged with a crime should see the Program Director before choosing the Nursing major.
  • All students must be Ohio state-tested nurse aides or licensed practical nurses prior to beginning Nursing clinical courses. The required coursework is available at Cincinnati State.
  • Please note: Graduation candidates must pass a nationally standardized exit exam in order pass the final course in the Nursing program.
  • Credentialing: Graduates must pass NCLEX-RN, the national standardized nursing examination, to practice as a registered nurse.

Effective 2024-2025 academic year

Students seeking admission to the Nursing program must complete specific selective admission requirements. Students should meet with their academic advisor to discuss eligibility and deadlines for selective admission.

Semester 1 Lec Lab Credits
BIO 151 Anatomy and Physiology 1 ( B) 3 2 4
ENG 101 English Composition 1 ( G) 3 0 3
MAT 105 Quantitative Reasoning ( G) 2 2 3
NUR 101 Nursing Concepts 1 (T) 2 3 3
FYE 1XX First Year Experience Elective (B) 1 0 1
Semester 2
BIO 152 Anatomy and Physiology 2 ( B) 3 2 4
ENG 10X English Composition Elective (G) 3 0 3
NUR 102 Nursing Concepts 2 ( T) 3 9 6
Semester 3
NUR 103 Nursing Concepts 3 ( T) 6 9 9
BIO 220 Microbiology ( G) 2 3 3
Semester 4
NUR 201 Nursing Concepts 4 ( T) 7 12 11
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology ( G) 3 0 3
Semester 5
SOC 105 Introduction to Sociology ( B) 3 0 3
NUR 202 Nursing Concepts 5 ( T) 6 9 9
Total Credits: 47 51 65


FYE Elective
FYE 100 College Success Strategies: Overview 1
FYE 105 College Success Strategies: Overview and Application 2
FYE 110 College Success Strategies: Practice and Application 3
English Composition Elective
ENG 102 English Composition 2: Contemporary Issues 3
ENG 103 English Composition 2: Writing about Literature 3
ENG 104 English Composition 2: Technical Communication 3
ENG 105 English Composition 2: Business Communication 3
The letters G, B, and T (displayed after course titles or elective descriptions) identify types of courses required by the Ohio Department of Higher Education as part of an associate’s degree curriculum.

G = General Education course in this curriculum
B = Basic Skills course in this curriculum
T = Technical course in this curriculum
Some courses are offered in alternative versions identified with a letter after the course number -- for example, ENG 101 and ENG 101A.

• This curriculum displays only course numbers without the added letter.
• The alternative version, when available, meets the requirements of the course version without the added letter.

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