
The Mechanical Engineering Technology – Manufacturing CNC Certificate is designed for individuals currently employed in a manufacturing field who desire additional knowledge of computer numerical control (CNC) programming and computer-aided manufacturing processes. Most students can complete the certificate requirements in a year or less.

All courses completed while earning this certificate may be applied to the associate’s degree program Mechanical Engineering Technology – Manufacturing Management Option.


Program Chair

Career Outlook

Graduates Are Prepared To

  • Program and operate CNC machines used in manufacturing

Representative Job Titles For Graduates

  • CNC Machine Operator
  • CNC Machinist
  • Fabrication Technician
  • Manufacturing Technician

Graduate Employment Outlook

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of CNC technicians is expected to increase 19 percent through 2020.

$47,000 median annual salary

Graduate Starting Salary Projections

Education Options

Representative Co-Op/Clinical/Intern Site

  • Certificate program does not include co-op


Program Chair


Effective 2024-2025 academic year

First Year
Semester 1 Lec Lab Credits
MET 111 Manufacturing Processes 1 2 3 3
MAT 12X Mathematics Elective 3 2 4
MET 131 MET Computer Aided Drafting 1 2 3 3
Semester 2
MET 112 Manufacturing Processes 2 2 3 3
MET 132 MET Computer Aided Drafting 2 2 3 3
Semester 3
MET 113 Manufacturing Processes 3 2 3 3
Total Credits: 13 17 19


Mathematics Elective
MAT 124 Applied Algebra and Geometry 4
MAT 125 Algebra and Trigonometry 4

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