
The Deaf Studies Certificate contains the courses from the first year of the Interpreter Training Program degree, without the general education classes. This certificate enables students to learn about sign language and deaf culture in order to be involved as an ally or signer, but not as a paid professional interpreter.


Program Chair

Career Outlook

Graduates Are Prepared To

  • Be an advocate or signer
  • Be a signing job coach
  • Use their skills as an asset to their professional career

Representative Job Titles For Graduates

  • Advocate
  • Signer


Program Chair


Effective 2024-2025 academic year

Program Prerequisite: Prior to enrolling in ASL 102 Beginning American Sign Language 2, students must complete ASL 101 Beginning American Sign Language 1 (or program chair consent)

Semester 1 Lec Lab Credits
ITP 120 Psychosocial Aspects of Deafness 2 0 2
ASL 102 Beginning American Sign Language 2 3 1 3
ITP 125 Deaf Culture and History 2 0 2
ITP 140 Fingerspelling and Numbers 2 0 2
Semester 2    
ITP 130 Legal Issues of Deafness 1 0 1
ITP 135 Introduction to the Interpreting Profession 2 0 2
ASL 201 Intermediate American Sign Language 1 3 1 3
Semester 3    
ITP 220 Educational Intepreting 2 0 2
ASL 202 Intermediate American Sign Language 2 3 1 3
ITP XXX Interpreting Elective 1 2 0 2
ITP XXX Interpreting Elective 2 2 0 2
Total Credits: 24 3 24


Interpreting Electives (select 2 courses)
ITP 205 Performance Interpreting 2
ITP 210 Deaf-Blind Interpreting 2
ITP 215 Religious Interpreting 2
ITP 225 Vocabulary Building 2

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