
Environmental issues affect our health and our communities, as well as the sustainability of future generations and the earth itself. Environmental concerns directly affect the operations of all types of industries, including parks and forest services, transportation, chemical facilities, defense and energy, construction, and, of course, environmental services.

Graduates of the Environmental Engineering Technology program earn an Associate of Applied Science degree and are prepared to enter positions in a wide range of industries, environmental restoration sites, government agencies, laboratories, consulting firms, and conservation districts.

Most curriculum courses, not including cooperative education courses, meet Ohio Environmental Protection Agency requirements for license renewal (U.S. EPA External Provider).


Program Chair

Co-op Coordinator

Career Outlook

Graduates Are Prepared To

  • Collect and analyze soil and water samples
  • Conduct laboratory tests
  • Ensure compliance with environmental regulations
  • Perform air sampling and monitoring
  • Perform field studies and site assessments
  • Treat and minimize waste

Representative Job Titles For Graduates

  • Air Sampling & Monitoring Technician
  • Environmental Compliance Specialist
  • Environmental Health & Safety Technician
  • Field Sampling Technician
  • Hazardous Waste Technician
  • Laboratory Manager
  • Park Naturalist

Graduate Employment Outlook

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of environmental engineering technicians is projected to remain steady through 2032. State and local governments are expected to focus efforts and resources on efficient water use and wastewater treatment, which will lead to demand for environmental engineering technicians with specialized training. In Greater Cincinnati, several large projects are focused on minimizing the volume of stormwater runoff entering local waterways.

$35,000-$70,000 annual salary

Graduate Starting Salary Projections

Education Options

Transfer History

  • Central State University
  • Northern Kentucky University
  • Ohio State University
  • Shawnee State University
  • Thomas More College
  • University of Cincinnati
  • University of Findlay
  • Wright State University

Representative Co-Op/Clinical/Intern Site

  • City of Cincinnati—Parks Department
  • Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services
  • Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
  • Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO)
  • TRC Environmental
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Co-op Salary Projections


Program Chair

Co-op Coordinator


Effective 2023-2024 academic year

Environmental Engineering Technology (EVT)

Semester 1 Lec Lab Credits
EVT 105 Environmental Sampling ( B) 2 3 3
FYE 1XX First Year Experience Elective (B) 1 0 1
CHE XXX Chemistry Elective (B) 3 3 4
MAT XXX Mathematics Elective 1 (G) 4 0 4
ENG 101 English Composition 1 ( G) 3 0 3
EVS 110 Environmental Science: Conservation and Cleanup ( G) 3 2 4
Semester 2
EVT 170 Water and Wastewater Treatment and Analysis ( T) 3 3 4
EVT 140 Environmental Regulations and Permits ( T) 1 2 2
EVT 160 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management ( T) 2 3 3
MAT XXX Mathematics Elective 2 (B) 4 0 4
EVT 150 Environmental Chemistry ( B) 2 3 3
Semester 3
XXX XXX Cooperative Education Elective (T) 1 40 2
Semester 4
EVT 240 Fluid Mechanics ( T) 3 3 4
EVS 120 Environmental Geology ( T) 3 2 4
EVT 220 Air Pollution Control ( T) 2 3 3
EVT 230 Treatment Technologies ( T) 2 2 3
Semester 5
EVT 292 Full-Time Cooperative Education 2: Environmental Engineering Technology ( T) 1 40 2
Semester 6
EVT 155 Site Mapping and GIS ( T) 2 3 3
XXX XXX Statistics Elective (T) 1 2 2
ENG 10X English Composition Elective (G) 3 0 3
XXX XXX Arts/Humanities or Social/Behavioral Science Elective (G) 3 0 3
XXX XXX Technical Elective (T) 1 2 2
Total Credits: 50 116 66


First Year Experience Elective
FYE 100 College Success Strategies: Overview 1
FYE 105 College Success Strategies: Overview and Application 2
FYE 110 College Success Strategies: Practice and Application 3
Chemistry Elective
CHE 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry 4
CHE 121
& CHE 131
General Chemistry 1
and General Chemistry 1 Lab
Mathematics Electives 8
Select one the following series:
MAT 125
& MAT 126
Algebra and Trigonometry
and Functions and Calculus
MAT 151
& MAT 152
College Algebra
and Trigonometry
MAT 251
& MAT 252
Calculus 1
and Calculus 2
Cooperative Education Elective 2
Select one of the following:
CIT 190
& EVT 191
Career Preparation: Engineering and Information Technologies
and Part-Time Cooperative Education 1: Environmental Engineering Technology
EVT 191
& EVT 192
Part-Time Cooperative Education 1: Environmental Engineering Technology
and Part-Time Cooperative Education 2: Environmental Engineering Technology
EVT 291 Full-Time Cooperative Education 1: Environmental Engineering Technology 2
Statistics Elective
EVT 180 Environmental Statistics 2
MAT 131 Statistics 1 3
English Composition Elective
ENG 102 English Composition 2: Contemporary Issues 3
ENG 103 English Composition 2: Writing about Literature 3
ENG 104 English Composition 2: Technical Communication 3
ENG 105 English Composition 2: Business Communication 3
Arts/Humanities Elective or Social/Behavioral Science Elective
Technical Elective
Any CET, CMT, EVS, EVT, LH, or other course approved by Program Chair 2
The letters G, B, and T (displayed after course titles or elective descriptions) identify types of courses required by the Ohio Department of Higher Education as part of an associate’s degree curriculum.

G = General Education course in this curriculum
B = Basic Skills course in this curriculum
T = Technical course in this curriculum
Some courses are offered in alternative versions identified with a letter after the course number -- for example, ENG 101 and ENG 101A.

• This curriculum displays only course numbers without the added letter.
• The alternative version, when available, meets the requirements of the course version without the added letter.

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