Commencement 2024 was a great celebration

The Cincinnati State Commencement ceremony held May 5, 2024, at Cintas Center, was a joyful experience for graduates, their family members, and the employees and friends of the College who attended.

Congressman Greg Landsman
Congressman Greg Landsman

In his Commencement address, Congressman Greg Landsman (U.S. Representative, Ohio First District) offered advice to the graduates, starting with, “Find something you believe in, and show unwavering determination to achieve it.”

Congressman Landsman advised graduates to show kindness to others, because “if you are kind, others will lift you up.”

He also recommended that grads should shorten the time spent on social media, and instead, “Spend most of your day with people you care about, doing things you care about.”

Landsman noted that “Cincinnati State is one of my favorite places” and he praised the graduates who will “enter every field our community needs.”

Caitlin Lowe
Caitlin Lowe

Student speaker Caitlin Lowe, who earned an Associate of Applied Science degree, summa cum laude, in Health Information Management Technology, and a Coding Specialist Certificate, shared that she had struggled to find hope and direction during the pandemic, but found that “Cincinnati State gave me a solid foundation with tools I can build on for the rest of my life.”

She encouraged her fellow graduates, “Don’t be afraid to begin again if you need to. Give yourself time and grace, and you’ll be OK.”

Prior to the start of the ceremony, friends and family members of graduates enjoyed a series of video “shout-outs” from members of the graduating class, broadcast on the screens inside Cintas Center.

Click to watch the 2024 “Commencement Shout-Outs” video

Keep scrolling to see more images of the day captured by College Web & Digital Manager Brittany King.

College staff members helped graduates check-in and prepare for the ceremony
College staff members helped graduates check-in and prepare for the ceremony
The platform party enters the arena, led by Provost Robbin Hoopes, Student Speaker and College Mace Bearer Caitlin Lowe, and President Monica Posey
The platform party enters the arena, led by Provost Robbin Hoopes, Student Speaker and College Mace Bearer Caitlin Lowe, and President Monica Posey
Brittany Collins, President of the Alumni Association (right), presented the Distinguished Alumni Award to Christie Tuttle, ’98, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, Summit Behavioral Healthcare & President-Elect, Ohio Occupational Therapy Association
Brittany Collins, President of the Alumni Association (right), presented the Distinguished Alumni Award to Christie Tuttle, ’98, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, Summit Behavioral Healthcare & President-Elect, Ohio Occupational Therapy Association
After the ceremony, happy graduates marched out of the arena and into their future
After the ceremony, happy graduates marched out of the arena and into their future