Environmental student is praised for her volunteer work at the Civic Garden Center

Environmental Engineering Technology student Melissa Goetz was featured in the August issue of the Cincinnati Civic Garden Center‘s online newsletter, The Civic Gardener, for her contributions as a volunteer. (The article, titled “Community Profile,” is below.)

Melissa was inspired to volunteer after visiting the Civic Garden Center on a field trip as part of the course EVT 160, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, led by Professor Ann Fallon.

According to the newsletter article, Melissa “fell in love with the property and the people” at the Garden Center during the field trip, and she applied for a position. She is also a work-study student for the Environmental program.

This summer Melissa worked on the Garden Center’s native plant propagation project, where her responsibilities included repotting many of the over 4,000 plants started from seeds in early spring, helping on the grounds, and helping write descriptions for plants that were sold at the Fall Native Plant Festival on September 9, 2023.

The Civic Garden Center newsletter said, “We know Melissa will make a difference in this world. We’re glad we’ve been a stop on her journey towards being a strong steward of the environment and this world we all share.”

Professor Fallon added, “I talked to several leaders of the Civic Garden Center during the Fall Native Plant Festival. Everyone I met gave glowing reviews of Melissa and her work.”

Article about Melissa Goetz from the Civic Garden Center newsletter