10-Week Courses at Cincinnati State

Did you miss the start of the semester but still want to take courses?
Are you changing schools or dropping courses and not wanting to miss an entire semester?

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College can assist with these dilemmas. Cincinnati State offers 10-week courses that start five weeks after the regular semester begins. These class sections cover the same material as corresponding 15-week courses but at an accelerated pace. This option makes it easy to start classes even if you missed semester registration, if your career demands are complicating your calendar, or if you just transferred to Cincy State. Regardless of your position, you do not have to sit out an entire semester before you can get started. Read on to find out if one of our 10-week classes is a good option for you.

Why a 10-week course?

There are numerous reasons to select 10-week classes. For many, the 10-week course is their only option to maintain their chance of graduating on time. Some students are transferring in from other schools and still want to take classes in the current semester. Other students are dropping courses, and the 10-week class option allows them to maintain their credit hours. We see professionals utilizing the 10-week program as a faster way to get one step closer to certification completion. Other students may be juggling a family, job, or other commitments. The option of completing a course in less time allows them to keep their calendar open for these additional responsibilities.

Do any of these scenarios sound similar to your situation? 10-week courses may be a good fit for you. Talk to your admissions counselor immediately to get started.  

Advantages of 10-week classes

Faster Pace:  Are you anxious to get started and even more anxious to see results? 10-week courses cover the same material as the 15-week classes, but at a faster rate. You will experience the same attention to detail for the subject matter but in fewer class meetings. The significant difference is class lengths. 10-week course classes are typically an hour and fifteen minutes in length, while a 15-week course class typically lasts only fifty minutes. Along with the change of pace, assignments and assessments are often more frequent too.  

Smaller Classes:  Not as many students opt for the 10-week classes, so class sizes are generally smaller. The smaller size allows you to connect more with your peers, and smaller classes often enable instructors more opportunities to interact with students one-on-one.

First Year Experience Courses (FYE): 

Some students take the 10-week course option to fulfill their first-year required courses. Instead of taking the required FYE classes alongside other courses and adding to an already busy semester, you can utilize the 10-week session and finish them fast.

Same Completion Time: 

Despite starting later than the traditional semester, the 10-week courses end at the same time as 15-week classes. This timing will enable you to begin the next semester promptly with no risk of falling behind.

At Cincinnati State, We Recommend:

  • It is best to have some college experience – the faster pace can easily be overwhelming.
  • Have strong time-management skills to keep up with the accelerated course schedule.
  • Be organized – you are likely to have multiple assignments and projects simultaneously.
  • Be attentive – missing a single class could be highly detrimental.

If you have a change to your current program and can act fast, consider this option. However, understand that not all courses are available for the 10-week option, and class section availability may influence your decision. 

Also, do NOT plan to take a heavy 10-week course load. We recommend only one or two classes maximum to keep up with the accelerated pace. 

New students can contact the Office of Admissions to get the enrollment process moving, and current students can get in touch with their Academic Advisor. They can help you determine if this option will work for you. 10-week courses are not the best option for every student, but they can benefit students who are up for the challenge.

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